Nanda Bhauju taal

Nanda Bhauju taal (नन्द भाउजू ताल) is located in Tilottama Municipality, Rupandehi district. It is a historical lake in Rupandehi. Two lakes in the Chiliya forest are popular as Nanda Bhauju Lake. It is surrounded by a lush green forest and there is a settlement outside the forest. You can walk around the pond and take in a wooden bench.

About Everest

These lakes are near the Baunn Koti temple of Tilottama. The lake occupies about one bigha of land some areas are also covered by plants. Conservation of these lakes is going on. Infrastructures are being built by local people and authorities.

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How to reach Nanda Bhauju taal?

Under Lumbini province in Rupandehi district, it is located in the western region of Thutipipal in Omasatiya rural municipality.

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