Nagmati Dam

Nagmati Dam is located in the Mulkharka Village, Sundarijal VDC, Kathmandu District. It is the place where the Nagmati River enters a narrow and steep-sided gorge. It is in the northeastern part of the Kathmandu Valley within the Shivapuri National Park.

About Everest

This dam is constructed to boost water flow during the dry season in the Bagmati River. Water will be collected during the rainy season which can store up to 8 Million m3 of water. This project aimed to prepare a detailed design for a large 90-meter-high dam. It is a concrete face rockfill dam.

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It can provide a dry season environmental flow of 400 liters per second.

How to reach Nagmati Dam?

From Sundarijal through Mulkharka and up alongside the Nagmati River.

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