I love you in Gurung language & love you too

I love you translated in Gurung language
Nga ki lai lhe lam
ङ किंह लई ल्हे लम
Nga ङ – I म
Lai ल्हे – Love माया
Lam लम् – Do गर्छु

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or in some places it is also said like this Nga gyeri khomu.

honeymoon in Nepal

How to say I love you too in Gurung language?

“Nga khilai maya ladisum”

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But if you want a full tamu sentence than yoi can say:
“Nga khilai khom” or “Nga khilai bele khom”
This means “I like you” or I really like you”

You can also say “Nga khilai bele maya ladisum”

Bele = really

I miss you in Gurung language

Ngam sodhan khilai mai mu.
Dakyo lai merimo
ङक्यों लाई मैरिमो

Other sentences

You are beautiful.
Kihm chhyanba muuna.

What is your name?
Kih mee toh ja?

My name is Kishan, what is yours?
Nga mee Kishan go, kihl de?

Do you speak Gurung language?
Kih tamu Qih pomuu?

How are you?
Kih khaiba mu?

I am fine, how about you?
Nga saban mu, kih de?

Where do you live?
Kih khani timu?

I live in Rayleigh, how about you?
Nga Rayleigh ri timu, kih de?

How about you?
Kih ni bhalu mu ki ahre de?

Where do you come from?
Kih khani theme ja?

I come from Pokhara, how about you?
Nga Pokhara theme go, kih de?

Where are you going?
Kih khani yahmu?

I am going to London, how about you?
Nga London hyab go, kih de?

What do you like?
Kih jee toh khomu?

I like dancing.
Nga lai seba khomu.

Do you have money?
Kih ni mui muh?

Yes, I have – No, I haven’t
Ang mu – anhan ahre.

Are you hungry?
Kih fo khreseem?

No, I am not – Yes, I am
Nga fo aakhreseem – Nga fo khreseem.

Are you angry?
Kih lai tuhnu khasim/khaimu/ rhaimu?

Go to sleep.
Robar yahdu

Solti in Gurung language

The word “solti” (sol-ti/sol-tee) comes from the Gurung Language which is used to indicate the relation between his/her maternal uncle’s children. However, today this term is also used for a person who is a good friend just like “dude” in the English language.

The word “Solta” (sol-ta) is for male and “Soltini” (sol-ti-ni) is for female and “Solti” usually indicates females but can also be used for male. “Solti” word is used for both male and female. One can get married to his/her maternal uncle’s child in the Gurung community which is not allowed in most of the other communities. This means the solta’s sibling and soltini’s sibling is married to each other.

Solta/Solti is referred to a boy/man who is:
Brother’s wife’s brother
Sister’s husband’s brother

Soltini/Soltina is referred to a girl/woman who is:
Brother’s wife’s sister
Sister’s husband’s sister

Namaste in Gurung language

English – Hello
Nepali – Namaste
Namaste in Gurung language – chyanjyalo छन्ज्यलो

Good evening in Gurung language
Chyaunlya ensha
छन्यौल्या येषा

Other Gurung language sentences

What is your name?
Kih mee toh ja?

My name is Kishan, what is yours?
Nga mee Kishan go, kihl de?

How are you?
Kih khaiba mu?

I am fine, how about you?
Nga saban mu, kih de?

Do you speak Gurung language?
Kih tamu Qih pomuu?

Where do you come from?
Kih khani theme ja?

I come from Pokhara, how about you?
Nga Pokhara theme go, kih de?

Where do you live?
Kih khani timu?

I live in Rayleigh, how about you?
Nga Rayleigh ri timu, kih de?

Where are you going?
Kih khani yahmu?

I am going to London, how about you?
Nga London hyab go, kih de?

Are you hungry?
Kih fo khreseem?

No, I am not – Yes, I am.
Nga fo aakhreseem – Nga fo khreseem.

What do you like?
Kih jee toh khomu?

I like dancing.
Nga lai seba khomu.

Are you angry?
Kih lai tuhnu khasim/khaimu/ rhaimu?

Go to sleep.
Robar yahdu.

You are beautiful.
Kihm chhyanba muuna.

Realtionship name in Gurung language

Gurung words – Nepali words – English words

Aapa आप्पा – बाबा baba – Father
Aamma आम्मा – आमा ama – Mother
Cha ha च ह् – छोरा chora – Son
Cha ha mi च ह मि – छोरि chori – Daughter
Kolo कोलो – बच्चा baccha – Baby/children

Brother in Gurung language
Ahgi आगि – दाइ dai – elder brother
choyae च्योए – भाइ bhai – younger brother

Sister in Gurung language
Aata आता – दिदी dd – elder sister
Aana आना – बहिनि bahini – younger sister

Husband in Gurung language
Pa पा – लोग्ने logne – husband
Mi मृ – श्वासनि swasni – wife

Father and mother in law in Gurung language
Ke कें – ससुरा Sasura – Father in law
Shyome स्योमे – सासु sasu – Mother in law

Bathe बाथे – ठुलाबा thulo ba – uncle (Father’s elder brother)
म थे – ठुलिआमा thuli ama – uncle’s wife (Father’s elder brother wife)

Bachayo बाच्यो – काका kaka – uncle(Father’s younger brother)
Ahmchyo आम्च्यो – काकि kaki – uncle’s wife(Father’s younger brother wife)

Ahshyang आस्याङ् – मामा mama – Maternal uncle
Ahani आअनि – माइजु maiju – Maternal uncle’s wife

Chyo चों – भाउजु bhauju – Sister in law
Presayo प्रेश्यो – दुलही dulahi – Bride
Sebo सेंबो – साला sala – Younger brother in law (From male side)

Mho म्हो – भिनाजु bhinaju – Elder brother in law(From male or female side)
Jethan जेठान – म्हो च mho cha – Elder brother in law
Cha च् – ज्वाइ Jwai

Ahchyamaa आच्यामा – आमा कि बहिनि saniama – Mother’s younger sister

Fane फाने – फुपु fupu – Dad’s sister
Koucha koumi कोउंछ कोउंमि – नाती नाती नि nati natini – Grandchild

Gurung names for baby girl with meaning

Choki –
Choma – refers to secret sign
Chomo – goddess or lady
Dhechen – great bliss
Dolkar – white Tara, female Buddha of long life and purification
Dolma – goddess name
Khanda – angel
Kunjo – goddess name
Menkhu – If someone doesn’t have son then they’ll keep baby name Menkhu and they believe next time they will have a baby boy
Pema – Lotus, purity, wisdom
Sangmo – Friendly, powerful woman

These names are used for both boy and girl

Karma – means action
Tenzing – the holder of Buddha dharma
Sonam – merit, prosperity, fortune

Gurung names for baby boy with meaning

Dawa – it means Monday or Moon
Dorje – Dorja is used while worshipping Vajra, scepter a symbol of spiritual strength and compassion
Karma – means action that we do everyday
Lobsang – the kind hearted one
Palsang – Friday
Phurba – a stake used for tethering
Mingma – Tuesday
Mukhiya – title used for a head of community or village
Rinchen – treasure
Sonam – merit, prosperity and fortune
Tshering – long life
Tenzing – the holder of Buddha dharma, guardian of the teachings of the Buddha
Tashi – good fortune or auspiciousness
Wangyal – victor or Triumph of power

These names are used for both boy and girl

Karma – means action
Tenzing – the holder of Buddha dharma
Sonam – merit, prosperity, fortune

You can also suggest us more name on comment section below.

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