I love you in Gondi and other love phrases in Gondi language

I love you – Ana nik pirem kiyatona.
I – Ana
Love – pirem
You – nik

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Gondi Words:

Come – Aayana
Came – Wa
Drink – Undana
Eat – Tindana
I – Ana
He – Wor
She – Aad
You – Ima
It – Hidu
Go – Handana
Open – Ulkana
Opened – Ulktur/ ulktu
Run – Daiyana
Sit – Udhana
Walk – Takana
Will open – Ulkanur/ ulkar/ ulkanug
Will come – Vayanur/ vayar
What – Bati/batal

Gondi language:

Do you love me?
Bati imma nakun pirem kiyatoni?

Yes, I love you.
Ingo, ana nik pirem kiyatona.

No, I don’t love you.
Hille, anna nik pirem hille kiyon.

How are you?
Imma bahun mandoni?

I am fine.
Nana besmandona.

I shall come with you.
Ana neeya sange vayaka.

What is your name?
Nivor parol bati mandoni?

He will eat.
Wor tindaka.

He will go.
Wor handanur.

He will come.
Wor vayanur.

Can you give me your pen?
Bati ma naak tanwa kalum siya parritonee?

Can you lift the box?
Bati imma bendmadi aatta porra toni?

Can you write the exam?
Bati imma sigmadu laykee porra toni?

Did you have lunch?
Bati imma dhuppadi ta jaunmad tittee?

How many did you take?
Imma bacchong yeti?

How much did he pay you?
Haden nikun bachchong paisang sittit ?

How did you come?
Imma baahun watuni?

How did you sleep?
Imma bahun sunjatoni?

How did you drive the car?
Imma car bahun taktoni?

How did you write?
Imma bahun laykitti?

Will you come with me?
Bati ma naa sange vayakee?

Will you give me your pen?
Bati ma napun apota kalum siyakee?

Why did you come?
Imma badi wati?

Why did you sleep?
Imma badi sunjati?

Why did you tell him to go?
Imma un handale badi ittee?

Why did he bring the bag?
Wor jhola badi tattur?

What should I do?
Ana bati keya?

What can I do?
Ana bati keya parritona?

Why did they sit there?
Ourk agga badi utta matttur?

Where did you sleep?
Imma bega sunjatee?

Where are you coming from?
Imma begedaal vasee mandoni?

Which way did you come?
Imma badro sarree nal wati?

Which is the sweetest fruit?
Kooknetaal khaja kaya badro aandur ?

Which is your favourite colour?
Niva pirmadu rakum badro aand?

Which is the best newspaper in Hindi?
Hindi ke kooknetal chokho khader aaki badro aandoor?

Which Indian state has the largest population?
Bon bhartiya koyetagan taa lokoorke aakada kooknetaal valle aandur?

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