Happy Tihar in Newari

Here, you’ll learn about Tihar in Nepalbhasa. Some people say Newari instead of Nepalbhasa but the proper form is Nepalbhasa or Newa language.

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Tihaara – sunti
तिहार – सुन्ति
Tihar is also known as Deepawali or Diwali in India. Tihar in newari is known as “sunti” सुन्ति.

honeymoon in Nepal

chaada – nakha
चाड – नख
Chaada which is known as festivals in English language. In Nepalbhasa it is known as Nakha or for chadparva it’s nakha-chakha.

Happy Tihar – sunti nakhaya bhintuna
सुन्ति नखया भिंन्तुना
To say Happy Tihar in Newari you can say sunti nakhaya bhintuna.

kaaga tihaara – kwa pujaa
काग तिहार – क्व पुजा
Crow – Kaaga in Nepali and kwa in Nepalbhasa. Puja means worship which is also known as puja in Nepalbhasa.

kukura tihaara – khichaa pujaa
कुकुर तिहार – खिचा पुजा

shariira pujaa – mha puja
शरीर पुजा – म्ह पुजा
Mha Puja means worshipping own body, it is a unique culture that we don’t find in other parts of the world. Our body works throughout the year and on Mha Puja day we worship the body, and the spirit within ourselves as part of New Year celebrations. It is performed by the Newar people of Nepal. It is an annual ritual performed on Newa New Year’s Day known as Nepal Sambat. On that evening beaten rice is taken instead of rice.

bhaaii Tikaa – kijaa pujaa
भाई टिका – किजा पुजा
Bhaitika is a festival wishing longlife of a brother by sister.

aaja timro pujaa haina ?
thau chhangu pujaa makhulaa ?
आज तिम्रो पुजा हैन ?
थौं छंन्गु पुजा मखुला ?
Thau means today, changu means yours, makhula means isn’t it?

aaja maalaa lagaaera aaena ?
thau swaamhaa kwokhaayaa mawailaa?
आज माला लगाएर आएन ?
थौं स्वाम्हा क्वोखाया मवैला?

khaii aaja timiilaaii kasaile pujaa garna aaena?
gwo thau chhanta sunaana pujaa yaa mawo laa ?
खैइ आज तिमीलाई कसैले पुजा गर्न आएन?
ग्वो थौं छंन्त सुनानं पुजा या मवो ला ?

okhara – khosi
ओखर – खोसीं

lwaaNgga – lawo
ल्वाङ्ग – लवों

supari – gwe
सुपरि – ग्वे

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