Gajedi taal

Gajedi taal (गजेडी ताल) is located in Danapur, Kanchan Rural Municipality (previously Gajedi VDC). The name Gajedi has been derived from the Gajedi VDC. It is also known as Gajedi Danapur Taal. It is listed in the wetland area and is popular a tourist destination. Gajedi taal is surrounded by a lush green forest and is close to Lumbini. This is a big and beautiful lake spread over 13 hectares. The total area is 91 hectares including lake and forest area.

About Everest

This lake is also considered to be the best habitat for various birds. Local species of fish such as Bhoti, Pate Sidra, Chelwa, Dhawai, Gai Sidra, Padeni etc are found here. There you can see endangered birds such as ducks, battai, herons (bakulla) and Francolinus (titra).

honeymoon in Nepal

Many years ago, cattle and birds used to drink the water, while the locals used to fish in this lake. The attraction of the lake area has increased since the locals started conservation programs. The view tower is built to observe beautiful green surroundings. There is a statue of Buddha in the middle of the lake.

The lake is well known among domestic tourists and it has become a center of attraction for foreign tourists as well. Photo-shoot and film shooting is also done in this Gajedi Danapur Taal. You can also enjoy boating on this lake. Gajedi taal is also a popular picnic spot. Local says, yearly 1 million tourists visit this place. There are many gates to enter the lake but it’s a good idea to use the main gate, which is the west gate.

How to reach Gajedi taal?

It is 3 km south of Mahendra Highway and 12 km north of Butwal.

Gajedi taal picnic spot

Dozens of picnic spots are there in the lake area. There is also a picnic spot in an open space where more than 50 groups can have a picnic at once. There is a certain fee for picnic spot booking. Booking charge depends upon the type of picnic spot.


Parking – Yes
Water – Yes
Shops – Yes

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