Free dating places & places to hangout with friends in Kathmandu

Free dating site in Kathmandu.

About Everest

Kathmandu Durbar Square – In Kathmandu, there are lots of places to have a good time, and one of the busiest spots is Kathmandu Durbar Square. It’s right in the center of the city. You’ll see a lot of tourists, couples, and groups of friends spending time there. Sometimes, local people don’t like it when couples hug each other in public. They get upset about it. Freak Street is another popular place. You can find restaurants and coffee shops there.

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Shreegha – Another famous spot is Shreegha also known as Shegal. It is close to Durbar Square. Here, you’ll discover a Buddhist stupa. This place is popular for praying, and in addition to that, it’s also known for enjoying tea, laphing (a type of snack), and morning walks. Some people don’t like dating in religious places, but couples come here to spend time in a calm atmosphere near the Buddhist stupa. It’s also a great place to hang out with friends, but we recommend speaking quietly because there are monasteries nearby, and it’s also a residential area.

Swayambhunath – Swayambhunath is a lovely place to go to. You’ll see devotees, tourists, and couples there. Even though it’s a busy spot, couples go there to pray, city walk. It’s also a free spot to chill with friends in Kathmandu, capture group photos and selfies. You can get nice pictures there.

Tudikhel – This place is popular among people who enjoy cricket and football. However, you might spot some couples sitting on the green grass and having a gossip. It’s also a nice spot to take a short break while walking around the city. You can play games there with your friends. It’s a large open area right in the middle of the bustling city.

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