Majhthana village and travel information

Majhthana village is a beautiful village with eye-catching landscapes, forests and agricultural terraces. It is a town and village development committee (VDC) lies to the east of Pokhara. It is approximately 8 km from Pokhara at 1,180 m above sea level. To the south, there is the second largest lake in the Pokhara known as Begnas Lake popular for fishing, boating and picnics.

About Everest

Mostly people are involved in agriculture in Majhthana village. You can reach Majhthana village by bus, taxi, jeep etc from Pokhara.

honeymoon in Nepal

Majhthana Hiking

Majhthana Hiking is one of the best destinations for viewing the valley to Lake Begnas. You’ll also get an opportunity to see rural Nepal.

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